Julie V Julie V

My First Newsletter

My first newsletter - reflecting on the year 2024.

I am excited to start this newsletter and to be honest there will not be a standard frequency. This may be once a month or twice or more if there is more to be said! I would love to welcome you here, you’ve found your way into my world somehow and that is special.

This newsletter will be about - what I am navigating, astrology, any free gifts I would like to share, upcoming events & programs and anything else I would love to share from my heart.

Funny starting a newsletter at the end of the year, but it feels just right. I’ve noticed myself assessing my year as it is coming to end. While there were many challenges when it came to my relationship, my money relationship, my relationship with myself. There was a lot I learned and a lot of things that did go well.


For the first time in a long time - I have been able to say and believe that my business did really well this year - I hosted 5 Human Design Workshops, I was part of some amazing markets, I got certified in Reiki Level 2 and had so many Reiki clients, Tarot Reading clients. It felt good to be able to do what I love and guide other people to wherever they are looking to go. Normally in the past - I would beat myself up for not having any consistency or not having long term clients but I have come to a place where if I can guide someone with just one session, one video, one post then I’ve done my job of what I am here to do.

For my relationship - we were past the honeymoon phase and there was a lot that we learned about each other. Our boundaries, who we truly are to ourselves and each other. There were some turbulent times but as the lows came and we navigated them - we came out to the other side of them. One thing that I have learned is what are my fears, what stories am I telling myself and is this something that needs to be resolved in the actual relationship itself or is it a past wound that I have to take a look at. By understanding myself in those times, doing the inner work and really looking within - it definitely ripples out.

The biggest shift I navigated this year was around my identity of being a hustler. For the longest time in my life, I have overworked or overdone things and finding out being a Projector in Human Design (work no more than 4 hours) things started shifting. I thought that I had to “get rid of” the hustler part of me. This year taught me not only to take a look at that identity, but understand that she is part of me and deserves a seat at the table. I am learning and continuing to learn how to balance between Hustler identity Julie and Projector Julie.

Money money money - where do I begin? My journey with money is a whole other story on its own. I’ll dive into different parts as they come along.

I know this first writing post is touching on different points but I do hope in the future to share deeper topics or what I am navigate and how I actually navigate the shits and the good stuff. I believe it will come in the moment as I write each newsletter, so stay tuned!

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